Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group which is
training organizations to engage the future & move society forward
in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
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Strategic Leadership Consultation on TV

Added 26 November 2007

UK ID Fraud Drama

Added 21 November 2007

Rob Frost Remembered

Added 13 November 2007

Christmas Shopping for the Brain!

Added 10 November 2007

SLC08: Into The Mainstream

Added 09 November 2007

Warfare in the Age of Hi-Tech

Added 09 November 2007

What Do We Do With Rage?

Added 06 November 2007

Hot Church in Bristol

Added 05 November 2007

C2020 Lectures - Watch Now!

Added 30 October 2007

Kingdom Faith On The Move

Added 27 October 2007

Mal at 50!

Added 23 October 2007

Revolutionary Church In Oslo

Added 19 October 2007

23,000 At Amsterdam Event

Added 17 October 2007

Mal Fletcher On iTunes

Added 13 October 2007

Millennials: Who Are They & What Do They Want?

Added 12 October 2007

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Austerity - Are Governments Wrong? Mal on BBC
Should Sunday Trading Be Extended? Mal on BBC
Racism vs Racial Identity - Mal on BBC
Are Churches Playing Big Brother? Mal on Premier Radio
Chips Under The Skin & Bio-Hacking - Mal on ABC Radio
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Ever since I came across your programme and website, I have been hooked.
Johnson, UK

I'm impressed by the content/style of EDGES. The program is topical and very realistic about the issues we face.

Hey Mal, I'm blessed to come across this site. I believe it was a plan of God to hear you. I'm a leader in our church in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Be blessed!
Sindile, South Africa

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