Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is training organizations to engage the future & move society forward in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
A British newspaper today featured a photo-story showing young black and white members of the England under-21 football squad forming naturally into separate groups during dinner and at play.
Is this an indication of racism at work, or is it something else altogether?
Mal Fletcher, social commentator, discussed this in a recent interview with LBC Radio's Ian Payne.
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Just read The Pioneer Spirit & I've been completely inspired. Thanks for your ongoing dedication to building the Kingdom & for your passion to making Jesus famous! Dale Newman, UK
Hi, just thought you might like to know that I've placed one of Mal Fletcher's videos from YouTube, 'Heaven/Hell', on my website. Appreciate your web pages.
Merryl, Australia
Dear Mal, I was introduced to your ministry through Rhema Church, Jo'burg. In this age of confusion you bring across a lot of sense. You are giving me tools and insight. Dietana, South Africa