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Kingdom Faith On The Move

Added 27 October 2007 View full list    Print version    
Kingdom Faith church, in Sussex England, continues to grow and expand creatively in influence.

The church, pioneered by Pastor Colin Urquhart, is now led by Clive and Jane Urquhart, who have a strong strategic plan for bringing change to every sphere of life in their community.

On a recent visit to speak in the church, Mal Fletcher once again found a church thriving on creative ideas and solid planning.

Sunday services are simulcast live on the Internet and are picked up by people around the globe, many of whom have no ready access to Christian meetings.

The online audience are treated as part of the in-house family.

Mal said: 'Their use of the Internet is just one example of a refreshing strategic approach to leadership.'

'Clive and his team have realised that influence will not come by accident; that we must set out clear initiatives to engage with society, to bring people into the covering of the church.'

For more on Kingdom Faith church and the Kingdom Faith network, visit

Keywords: Kingdom Faith | Colin Urquhart | Clive Urquhart | Mal Fletcher

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Your Feedback
Hi Mal, Re: megachurch church vs a more organic model: I know God works regardless of how we think he should but it seems that the organic way is more appealing to the average person than the marketing of Jesus...
Narelle, Australia

Mal Fletcher is amazing; you should hear him preach. It's incredible. He came to my church in Norwich, England and just blew us away.
Lazarus, UK

Thanks for keeping us on our toes, Mal! As Christians living in today's ultra-pragmatic culture, our choices need to recognize the present reality while seeing it through the perspective of our God-revealed future.
Ann, Australia

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