Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
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Hot Church in Bristol

Added 05 November 2007 View full list    Print version    
A new kind of church, which brings together quality production with authenticity and real community involvement is emerging in historic Bristol, England.

Mal Fletcher recently spoke at Elim@Bristol (e@B) City Church and found a church that is both committed to relevance and to being 'prophetic' in dealing with the future shape of its city.

Bristol is a city of over half a million people, and is growing rapidly right now, with major building developments across the city.

One of the city's two universities has 25,000 students, and the nearby airport is growing fast.

The senior pastor of e@b, Peter Davies, took a struggling traditional church seven years ago and has seen it transformed into an emerging model of 'new church', in every sense of the word.

Peter said, in response to Mal's teaching: 'That was probably the greatest message I've ever heard about Joseph and his influence. Mal has spoken prophetically into the life of our church.'

After his visit, Mal said: 'e@b is a name you're going to hear about in future. It is passionate about changing the culture of its city and already is attracting some high-ranking and influential people -- because of its commitment to the community.'

'If you're in historic Bristol, check it out. You won't be disappointed.'

For more information on Elim@Bristol, visit

Keywords: Elim@Bristol | Mal Fletcher | Elim | Bristol | e@b | Peter Davies

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How true that we live in a disconnected society! Our Facebook friends are more likely to share our innermost thoughts than are our neighbours.
Ann, Australia

Hi there. I watched your EDGES programme today about fear. It was very interesting and was, I thought, presented in a very intelligent way.

Mal, a massive thanks from a baby boomer & a gen-Xer who had the priviledge of being inspired by you at the ALC Leadership Academy. You have really helped make sense of the world that we are seeking to influence...
Nigel & Christine, United Kingdom

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