Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is training organizations to engage the future & move society forward in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
Today, Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris released images of its front cover, the first to be published since last week's tragic attacks in that city.
Some newspapers and media outlets are reproducing the cover, which features a cartoon of the Prophet Muhammed. Many people will reproduce the cover on the social media accounts.
Is this a good idea? Mal Fletcher spoke about this issue in an interview today with the BBC's David Prever.
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Mal,every morning at the office I start my day with your thought provoking Daily Recharge. It is really recharging for the day ahead!!! God bless you!!! Christo, Bulgaria
Mal, you've inspired a new move of God in the arts, media, and all things cultural. Viva la revolution! We're taking over The World! Phill, UK
I'm impressed by the content/style of EDGES. The program is topical and very realistic about the issues we face. Malti