Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is training organizations to engage the future & move society forward in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
What do the terrorist attacks in Paris last week mean to the freedom of speech?
What part does religion play in the actions of extremists? Why are Muslims offended by the work of the magazine Charlie Hebdo and does freedom of expression have limits?
Mal Fletcher spoke to these and other questions with fellow guests Dr. Sheik H Ramzi and Leander Reeves in a (feisty) interview with BBC Radio's David Prever.
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Thanks so much Mal and all the crew members of Next Wave international for your insights about life... Michael Olowu, Nigeria
Wynne Lewis was a very dear friend of ours. We have many fond memories & we shall never forget him. Jeannie & Leonard Mason, Select a Country
I really appreciate this ministry! I think you are a very important tool in the world today & for Christians. I'm so encouraged by the teaching!! Jonas Päivärinta