Portugal Press Interest in 2020Plus
Portugal, like Italy and Spain, has experienced hardship on the back of the eurozone crisis.
Porto is the nation's second city and a centre for education and industry. In his capacity as chairman of the 2020Plus think tank, Mal Fletcher visited again recently as the keynote speaker for the International Leadership and Entrepreneur's Conference.
The event, hosted by AEP, Business Association of Portugal, brought together leaders of SMEs and other types of business from across Portugal and beyond. Mal's session was entitled "Future Leaders" and explained the importance and the how-to's of building Innovation Architecture, or cultures of innovation.
Prior to the visit, 2020Plus issued a press release on Portugal's future in relation to creative enterprises. It was picked up by several national newspapers, which quoted Mal extensively in the lead up to his visit.
On arrival in Porto, he conducted an interview with another publication and an interview was featured in the nightly TV news.
Mal said, 'I enjoy speaking in Portugal. It was great to experience the hospitality of my Portuguese hosts once more. I'm happy to say that I've had excellent feedback from the keynote session and hope that it continues to add value to leaders and their skills.'
For more on this side of Mal Fletcher's work, please visit 2020Plus.net. Next Wave is currently hosting two ongoing projects, across several European centres, in conjunction with 2020Plus.
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