Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is training organizations to engage the future & move society forward in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
A new Ipsos MORI poll has found that in a highly secularized age, religion still matters to people across the world.
Some 70% of the 18,000 people surveyed in 24 nations said they had a religion and 73% of under-35s said their faith was important in their lives.
The study also pointed to a far higher percentage of Muslims for whom religion plays a key role in shaping their decisions, than was the case among Christians.
What are the implications of this survey for the interface of religion with other aspects of community life, and for Christianity in particular?
Mal Fletcher discussed these questions in an interview today with Paul Hammond on UCB national radio in the UK.
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I watch your EDGES programs in Finland. I think they are very thought provoking. Amarjit, Finland
I take much so interest in your Next Wave monthly e-news. Thanks a lot. Salai Thaung Mang, Myanmar
I watched Mal's inspiring EDGES presentation on bioethics. Scientists who do genuine research are a boon to humanity. Physicians do everything they can, fighting to save a life. This is based on the image of the Creator in every human being. Rev Canon Dr Lakshman Peiris