Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is training organizations to engage the future & move society forward in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
What is the relationship between church leaders and Christian leaders in the marketplace of business, civic life and the like?
Is there a Biblical theology for marketplace leadership? What of the distinction we sometimes make between 'clergy' and 'laity': what does it mean to have a priesthood of all believers?
These were just some of the questions Mal Fletcher faced recently in his second 30 min 'Leadership Files' interview with Andy Peck of Premier Christian Radio.
This is a must-listen for all church leaders who want to have influence with the marketplace leaders of business, civic life and so on - and for marketplace leaders who want to find their place in the church!
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A great article on 'Hybrid Stem Cell Research'! It is not only highly relevant to current research but also shows how just a little initial compromise will eventually cause an unstoppable downslide in ethical standards with irreversible outcomes. Ann, Australia
How true that we live in a disconnected society! Our Facebook friends are more likely to share our innermost thoughts than are our neighbours. Ann, Australia
Mal, I heard you speak at Abundant Life Church.
I came straight home from hearing you to send this email & will follow Next Wave & EDGES TV. Jack, United Kingdom