Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is training organizations to engage the future & move society forward in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
The circumstances surrounding Britain's involvement in the Iraq war are being studied in detail by the Chilcot Inquiry.
Social commentator and leadership expert Mal Fletcher, director of Next Wave International, finds that a culture of conformity prevailed at the highest levels of government leading up to the war.
However, he says, dissent is a vital part of healthy team culture - in any enterprise.
(For the full editorial on this site, click here.)
Keywords: chilcot | inquiry | iraq | iraq war | british army
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Your new book is a must - having read a few of the excerpts available online, it is one I will be ordering. Gen-Xers, the future is ours. Thanks Mal for your Godly guidance and belief. Damien, Australia
MasterClass in Spain was a great experience for all. It was challenging and full of inspiration to seek excellence in every little way. MasterClass is a must in all diaries! Tiziana, Spain
I met Mal almost 20 years ago here in Melbourne, Australia. I studied under him at Harvest BibleCollege. It was an amazing time; I got a lot out of it. You're an inspiration Mal... trina, Australia