Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is training organizations to engage the future & move society forward in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
Childhood is, in some areas, under real threat today, with pressures from an over-sexualized media environment to the threat of child abuse.
Mal Fletcher's EDGES TV programme looks at how we can better protect the innocents. In the short interview below a prominent children's campaigner speaks out.
Help make a stand for children. EMBED this short interview OR email/twitter your friends about it.
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Thanks for the message you gave at The Gathering. It was prophetic for this generation and really made me look at some aspects of our culture in a different light. Caroline, UK
Re the Bridgend suicides: This is a horrible tragedy for this town. The promise and excitement these young people have missed of college, getting married, children, having a career, being a grandparent, traveling the world... Where is the parental involvement in all this? SuzieQ, United States