Mal Speaks To Global Corporate Execs
Mal Fletcher recently addressed a meeting of two hundred global executives in Whitehall, central London.
The event, sponsored by the Sigeria group and held in the historic and beautifully appointed Banquet House, brought together leaders from as far afield as China, the Middle East and Europe.
They represented such companies as Lloyds TSB, HSBC, Heinz, Johnson & Johnson, Novatus, Shell, Nestle, Telia, DHL, Airbus, Seimens and more.
Mal spoke on developing a culture of confidence - empowering teams and organizations to flourish in the midst of recession.
The response to Mal's session was outstanding, with some of the organizers citing it as a highlight of the two-day conference.
After the event, Mal said: 'It was an honour to speak to such a group of highly experienced executives, some of whom have multi-million pound deals crossing their desks on a very regular basis.'
'In the midst of this economic downturn, there's a hunger to understand the dynamics of leadership and to find practical ways of applying them in often stressed and stretched team situations.'
Video clips from the session will shortly be available on our sister site 2020Plus.net
For regular updates from Mal on Leadership, sign up to twitter.com/malfletcher.
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Hi Mal, Re: megachurch church vs a more organic model: I know God works regardless of how we think he should but it seems that the organic way is more appealing to the average person than the marketing of Jesus...
Narelle, Australia
Since discovering the Edges documentaries and the way Christian faith relates to hot topics, my faith has grown. Don't stop doing what you do - you do it well!
Riikus, UK
I love the Next Wave International website. It's been a source of encouragment and direction. A powerful package all in one! "DYNAMITE". Thanks.
Brendon, Australia
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