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Reality TV Star Dies

Added 26 March 2009 View full list    Print version    
British newspapers and other media had been filled over the past few days with stories about the death of Jacob Goody, the former reality TV star.

Ms. Goody died peacefully after a short but intense battle against cervical cancer. Her life and death captured the interest of much of a nation, perhaps because it encapsulated the ups and downs of the human condition.

In recent times, in the face of death, she married her boyfriend and her and her two sons were christened.

In a new editorial on the site, Mal Fletcher suggests that there is much we can learn about the downsides of celebrity culture from Jade Goody's experience.

"It is right for us to mourn the passing of such a young person, someone who so obviously connected with the aspirations and challenges faced by other people," writes Mal. "And if the coverage following her death raises awareness about the risks of cancer, this is something we should welcome."

"However, we should also pause to take stock of the possible downsides of celebrity culture. As a society, we should think long and hard about where the culture of celebrity is leading us - and our children."

"When it was reported that Jade Goody might allow cameras to track every step of her gradual decline and perhaps even her final moments, there was a debate about the propriety of invading someone's personal space in this way."

"Thankfully, there was more dignity in Ms Goody's final days than some imagined there might be."

"Of course, that such a possibility could even be floated says much more about us, the viewing public, and what we consider to be entertaining and educational than it does about the celebrities involved."

Ms Goody's funeral will be held in the next few days, though details are yet to be announced.

(For the full editorial on this site, click here.)

Keywords: jade goody | reality tv | Big Brother | cervical cancer

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Mal, I had the good fortune of hearing your wisdom on several topics, here in the USA. Thank you. I hope our paths cross again.
Koz, USA

Fantastic and inspiring article Mal about the London bombings. I will be passing this on to others. May God continue to bless your unique and powerful ministry.
Jennie, Australia

Thanks for your great encouragements and teaching. I read Daily Recharge daily & it helps me to focus & learn about God's heart even more. You touch many people's heart with the Word of God.
Andrea, Australia

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