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Kiev - In The News Again

Added 18 September 2008 View full list    Print version    
After the recent incursion of Russian forces into Georgia, the eyes of the world have turned again to the former Soviet region.

Concern is growing in some quarters that Russia will flex its muscles further, by threatening states like Ukraine who are actively seeking entry into both NATO and the EU.

Mal Fletcher visited Kiev, capital of Ukraine, again this week. He reports that, in the midst of some uncertainty on the political front, people are going about their lives and trying to get ahead in uncertain times - as are people in the West.

'In uncertain times,' Mal says, 'people often turn to institutions like the church to help them understand and deal with change.'

'I'm happy to report that in some cases churches are leading the way when it comes to engaging with the nation's future.'

'That's certainly true of the Kiev Hillsong Church.'

This church, started just 13 years ago, already numbers around 3000 people, and has been very successful at reaching into the younger generations, which are often otherwise left to find meaning through club life and consumerism.

Mal was guest speaker at the church over the four services last weekend, each services rolling on almost immediately after the last, in a concert venue in downtown Kiev.

Kiev and the Ukraine - along with all the former communist bloc nations in the region - need our prayers.

Keywords: kiev | hillsong kiev | georgia | russia | hillsong church kiev

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I often check out your recommended reading section, which includes some excellent books. There's a new title which I highly recommend: 'Simply Christian' by N.T. (Tom) Wright (Bishop of Durham)...
Ann, Australia

God is true to His word. [Recently] it seemed as though I faced an entire mountain range. A friend blessed me with the Next Wave site. God bless you Mal and all the saints who knit your ministry together. On to massive revival in Europe.
Robert, Germany

Thank you for the Daily Recharges, they always speak such amazing insight and revelation to me. It is truly inspiring!!
Ruth, Australia

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