Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
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Are You Happy In Your Working Life?

Added 03 July 2007 View full list    Print version    
Did Mother Teresa see a career's counsellor?

This is the intriguing question posed by Mal Fletcher last Sunday at Hillsong Church, London.

Mother Teresa left behind a powerful legacy of faith which changed the world for the better.

But how did this former geography teacher in a comfortable middle-class girls' school come to decide that she should invest her considerable energy and skills in reaching out to the poorest of the poor in Calcutta?

'More importantly,' said Mal, 'How can you and I know where we should invest our time and skills?'

'We spend many of our waking hours and work, and while we've become better at discussing money in the church we hardly ever talk about work.'

If you're asking questions about the work you're currently doing, or looking for direction on your future career, you shouldn't miss Mal's high-impact message on the theology of work.

Download or listen to it now.

Click here or visit the audio section of this site.

Keywords: Mother Teresa | Mal Fletcher | Work

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Your Feedback
My son is 21 months old & has full Edward's Syndrome. He is a happy, beautiful child & gives so much to so many people. His life is as worthy as any other child. I believe the medical profession should help parents to want to give their children a chance of survival.
Deborah, United Kingdom

Your article about Daniel in Babylon is spot on. As 21st Century Christians our challenge is to find appropriate forums to join the conversation & refrain from adopting a defensive posture.
Tom Rawls, United Kingdom

I think yours was the best and most succinct critique I've yet read on 'The Da Vinci Code'. As you say, we can still use it as a platform for presenting the real gospel.
Ann , Australia

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