Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
training organizations to engage the future & move society forward
in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher

Shaping Future Generations

Added 18 June 2007 View full list    Print version    
'If we're going to announce God's prefered future,' says Mal Fletcher, 'we have to do it in God's prefered way!'

In a great new 2-part Audio Series on this site, Mal talks about how God changes the future in a generational way - and calls us to do the same.

In this intensive and highly researched series, presented to leaders in London, Mal explores the differences between Boomers, Gen-X and Millennials.

He shows how the strengths and aspirations of each generation can be used to connect them with the gospel.

You can stream or download (mp3) 'Shaping The Future of Generations' from the audio section of this site.

If you like, you can also leave a donation, to help us continue to provide world class leadership resources.

Keywords: generations | boomers | generation X | generation-X | gen X | millennials | millennial generation | Mal Fletcher

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Your Feedback
Every morning when I read Daily Recharge, God speaks to me so clearly through His word! I am so encouraged. Keep up the great work!
Sarah, Australia

Re the Bridgend suicides: This is a horrible tragedy for this town. The promise and excitement these young people have missed of college, getting married, children, having a career, being a grandparent, traveling the world... Where is the parental involvement in all this?
SuzieQ, United States

Mal, did you start out as a journalist? You are one of the most naturally gifted writers whose works I have had the pleasure of reading. I just love your succinct way of delivering words that paint a captivating picture.
Jim, Australia

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