Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
training organizations to engage the future & move society forward
in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher

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Added 24 March 2007 View full list    Print version    
Europe was once the light of the world.

People the world over heard about Christ only because European Christians planned, prayed and invested their lives to bring God's hope to the world.

Faith heroes like Martin Luther, John Wesley, William Booth, David Livingstone and Florence Nightingale all changed their world and left Europe with a powerful legacy of faith.

Today, though, even Time magazine has reported that Europe is the darkest place in the world, spiritually speaking.

Next Wave International is a unique ministry led by Mal Fletcher, with just one goal -- to transform Europe again through the power of Christ's message.

Many people have written off Europe as being too difficult to reach. But God hasn't finished with Europe yet!

YOU can help us reach Europe ... We can help YOU impact YOUR sphere of influence.

When you join the Next Wave Alliance as a monthly partner, you'll help us 'make God famous' in Europe again, by investing in large outreach events, TV, the Internet, radio, university missions and more.

You will also help us to equip the church to influence the future; through our leadership masterclasses, networks and international conferences.

But you'll also receive resource materials that will help YOU tell the story of Christ in YOUR sphere of influence.

Let Next Wave International help you fulfill your destiny as a Christian -- equipping you to spread the good news of Christ to your world.

If we don't invent the future, someone else's vision of the future will reinvent us!

Click here to find out more....

Keywords: Alliance | Next Wave Alliance | Next Wave International | Mal Fletcher | making God famous | make God famous

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Your Feedback
My son is 21 months old & has full Edward's Syndrome. He is a happy, beautiful child & gives so much to so many people. His life is as worthy as any other child. I believe the medical profession should help parents to want to give their children a chance of survival.
Deborah, United Kingdom

EDGES is very helpful and informative from the Bible's point of view. Do please keep up the good work.
Annie, India

I think yours was the best and most succinct critique I've yet read on 'The Da Vinci Code'. As you say, we can still use it as a platform for presenting the real gospel.
Ann , Australia

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