Generations MasterClass in Spain
The first Next Wave International MasterClass for 2006 took place recently in southern Spain
The Generations MasterClass with Mal Fletcher, co-hosted
by the Palabras de Poda Church, drew 40 pastors, leaders and emerging
leaders mainly from the south of the country.
The one-day and evening event focussed on the unique worldview of each
of the major generations of our time, their inherent potential and how
each may best be reached with the Christian message.
content of the Generations MasterClass is based on extensive research
and is presenting in such a way that it helps pastors, their teams and
other community leaders to shape their vision and message to connect
with the widest audience.
Mal Fletcher, speaking after the event, said: 'The future belongs to
those leaders whose message and vision will grab the interest and
release the unique potential of all the major generations of our
'Through the Generations MasterClass, we're helping leaders to enlist
the active support of people of all generations. We're giving them
skills to communicate to present and emerging generations.'
For more on MasterClass events coming up in Europe -- and the USA --
check: masterclassonline.com.
Keywords: MasterClass | Master Class | Mal Fletcher | news | masterclassonline | Next Wave International | Spain | Palabros de Poda |
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For Mal Fletcher: thank you kindly for the nice words about my book, "No Time To Think: The Menace of Media Speed and the 24-hour News Cycle". Glad you enjoyed it and felt a need to comment on it.
Charles, United States
Next Wave is certainly making a huge difference, bringing out the truth about a Christian worldview, equiping the church & helping give believers the insight to stand against a tide of postmodernism.
adrian, United Kingdom
I watched edges on premier.tv and have been hooked since then. It's awesome!!
Fi, United Kingdom
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