Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
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in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher

Good Churches Guide

Added 13 November 2005 View full list    Print version    
A new feature appears on this site from today.

The 'Good Churches' section provides a 'menu' of the churches we have found to be among the best in Europe -- in terms of the quality of their care for people, their leadership and their vision for the community.

This comes in response to the many requests we've had for information about churches we would recommend in all the major regions of Europe -- and beyond (e.g. USA, Australia, South Africa).

You can access the list at any time from the 'Resources' menu.

Keywords: good churches | churches guide | Europe

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Thank you for your regular E-News newsletters, and for your article: Discover The Motion Behind Your Promotion. It was really encouraging.
Anisha, India

Mal visited our Church today. I wanted to meet him, but I was working the camera. I'm a 16yr old Christian writer & currently some of my work is in the youth version of "Everyday with Jesus". Please check out my blog
Ryan Lane, United Kingdom

Mal, you've totally inspired me to be more active about the media world I'm in. I'm trying to find more ways to use my media skills to help people meet God. It's people like you that have been the spark to start this explosion. Thank you, I'm in ranks with you...
Isaac, United Kingdom

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