Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group which is
training organizations to engage the future & move society forward
in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher

NWI: 'The Future Is X' - NEW BOOK from Mal Fletcher

Added 19 June 2005 View full list    Print version    
'The Future is X', a hot new book by Mal Fletcher, was launched in e-Book form on this site on June 25.

'The Future is X' addresses the unique opportunities and challenges facing the so-called Generation X, which is now coming into world influence in business, politics, education and the church.

'Generation-X has arrived!' writes Mal. 'Gen-Xers, born between the early 60s and early 80, are now filling major positions of influence in business, media, entertainment, education, law, politics and the church. If you count yourself a member of this unique generation, you must grab the opportunity for influence while you can. With some help from above, you can take your generational identity and personality, submit them to a higher promise and call, and realign the history of the world.'

You can purchase and download your e-Book copy now.

The paperback edition of the book will be launched during the GENERATIONS MasterClass Tour of Australia, which starts in Perth on July 25 in Perth.

This book will not yet be available in stores, but you will soon also be able to order your paperback copy via the webshop. Click here to read an excerpt.
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Your Feedback
I'd like to say how good it is that your EDGES programs can be accessed via the Internet. I think you explain the Christian perspective excellently.

Loved listening to you today when you came to St Louis family Church! It's so important to engage the world we are living in, thanks for the reminder.
Rue, United States

Mal, I'm from Germany but the last time we met was in Johannesburg during the Rhema Conference... I identify with what you are doing & hope it encourages to let you know that there are folks praying for you.
Ben, Germany

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