Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
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Dublin - Right Here, Right Now!

Added 13 May 2000 View full list    Print version    
Sean Mullarkey, leader of the X-Posure events in Dublin, reports that 95 young people made a decision to commit to Jesus during the 'Right Here, Right Now!' event in late April.

Over 1200 people bought tickets to what was an outstanding event all around.

This is another fantastic result, given that it is just the second event there run on the Next W@ve model. Sean and his team are building a model which in time will, we believe, touch the whole of Ireland - and beyond.

Please pray for the churches which are supporting the events and for a real momentum of faith to build!

(Already, the Catholic church has expressed a desire to either join the events or copy the model themselves! A first for Ireland, and a wonderful sign of things to come for the Kingdom of God.)
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Your Feedback
Mal, you were recently in Grenoble (France) for a conference. I appreciated your teaching very much & look forward to reading Five Big Ideas!
BONNAZ, France

I've been in Spain since 1990 & believe our Lord is giving a second chance to this county. They call Spain the missionary´s cemetery, but I believe that God still wants to reach Spanish people.
Gustavo Nova, Spain

We've all been affected to some degree by this latest news of terrorist activity. Yet what an opportunity to share the GOOD news with those who are looking for answers!
Ann, Australia

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