Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is training organizations to engage the future & move society forward in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
This year promises to be a big one for Next Wave International in its growing mission to contemporary cultures in Europe and beyond.
Among the goals for this year, we will aim, with God's help, to:
Establish a stronger presence in the mainstream media marketplace
Continue to produce quality programs for the Christian media market (TV and radio)
Expand our presence on the internet, providing even more quality resources which outline the Christian worldview and offer an apologetic for Christian faith
Build stronger alliances between key Christian leaders across nations, with the aim of influencing Europe's secularised culture with the good news
Facilitate alliances between major players in the European Christian media market, to enlarge the possibilities for a new generation of media producers
Release new publications and resources, in various languages, to resource the church for evangelism
Establish a European office in the greater London area
Want to keep in touch with what Next Wave is doing each month? Enter your email address below.
I've been listening to a lot of the EDGES shows online and find them highly intellectual and factual and extremely interesting. They're so useful in building my understanding of real issues seen from Christian eyes... I love it! Thanks. Joel, UK
Your social comment gives me great insight into things that don't make a lot of sense to me... Peter, Australia
Your site is slick and very thought provoking. Roger, UK