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Euro Youth Events - Making God (Seriously!) Famous

Added 05 April 2000 View full list    Print version    

What happens when you put 50 of Europe's major GenX leaders in one room?

You get an explosion of prophetic power, ideas, prayer ... and much more! I short, you get this year's Euro Youth Events (E.y.E) network meeting.

This fifth annual meeting of the network was held in Copenhagen's new Christian Culture Centre and hosted again by network leader Mal Fletcher and the Next W@ve team.

From the kick off on Friday night, everyone could tell that this was going to be very high-powered meeting.

The first session, a very special 'Millenial Meal' in the centre's cafe, brought the E.y.E leaders together with the senior church leaders who had attended the Strategic Leadership Consultation over the preceding days (see seperate report). Ray Bevan shared on leadership skills - in his own unique fashion.

The next day and a half featured life-changing presentations by Stuart Bell (UK), John Angelina (Germany), Stephan Christensen (Nor.), Magnus Persson (Swe.), Steen Lohse (DK) and Spencer Nordyke (USA). Themes covered in the forum sessions included:
- Creative use of the Internet in outreach and training
- Contemporary Church planting
- Impacting Schools and Universities
and much more.

Mal Fletcher's keynote session on 'Unstopping the Wells' (Gen 26) was also a highlight, which was followed by a long and very powerful time of ministry in sharp personal prophecy. A number of the leaders openly expressed their appreciation of Mal's initiative in leading the network.

The Next W@ve team wishes to thank all the key people who played a huge role behind the scenes, in making this event the hottest E.y.E event thus far! ...And the best for Europe is yet to come!...
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Today was the first time I watched EDGES. I am very impressed with your program and your website. Keep up the good work.

Hi there, love the website, just a quick thought, there is a Hillsong church in central Stockholm...
Anna, United Kingdom

I've been in Spain since 1990 & believe our Lord is giving a second chance to this county. They call Spain the missionary´s cemetery, but I believe that God still wants to reach Spanish people.
Gustavo Nova, Spain

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