Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group which is
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Kings Church Wales - Breakthrough Church!!

Added 05 April 2000 View full list    Print version    

Kings Church in Newport Wales has a long-standing reputation as one of the U.K.'s cutting edge churches. It is making a major impact throughout Wales, with national newspaper coverage following on from powerful outreach.

Ray Bevan, senior pastor and a great friend of Next W@ve, invited Mal Fletcher to speak at the Easter conference. Crowds were excellent and the ministry from Mal and Ray was very well received. Prayer times were packed with people of all ages and many came to Christ for the first time.

Throughout the weekend Mal shared a great new series of messages called 'Filling your Zone of Influence'.

'Every Christian is born with a sphere in which they are called to bring change!' he said. 'That zone is bigger than any of us thinks. We will spend our lives being stretched to fill it! But within that sphere, we will have ultimate success for the Lord.'

After the conference Mal said, 'I am a big believer in the power of assocation - you become like those you hang out with! I also believe in covenant friendships. Over time, God has given Davina and I, and this mission, a very close friendship with Ray and the Kings Church. We are thrilled to be associated with this growing church, which is demonstrating God's excellence in a very depressed area! Kings is a bit of a home-away-from-home for us.'

Please pray for Pastor Ray and his team as they make their stand on the promises of God for Wales - and beyond!
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Every morning when I read Daily Recharge, God speaks to me so clearly through His word! I am so encouraged. Keep up the great work!
Sarah, Australia

I absolutely agree with you Mal on the danger of elevating of our leaders. There is something in man to want 'a king'. It's present in our current celebrity culture. It's curious when we see it in the world and it's pathetic when we see it in Christendom.
Michael Staires, United States

I was at Mal's MasterClass in Sheffield. It changed my whole view about the internet. The best information I've ever heard -- challenged me to do my homework!
Gauta Sarah, UK

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