Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
training organizations to engage the future & move society forward
in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
For bio & other promotional material, including photos, please visit

The following video clips are available for use in church or other faith-based promotional settings.

For clips to suit business or media audiences, please contact:


Clip from 'Edges w/ Mal Fletcher': 'The Human Face of HIV/AIDS' (1 min).


All clips remain the copyright property of Next Wave International, London, 2007-8. They are licensed only by groups hosting Mal Fletcher as a speaker. They are not licensed for release on any video sharing, social networking or other websites, or for any other purpose.

All clips are .mpg (DVD quality) files. They are provided in raw form only - we leave it to you to edit and piece together as best suits your purposes. To download, click on the clip(s) of your choice (if necessary, right click then 'save target as').

Raw Clip 1: 'The most urgent question for every Christian is this: "What kind of city do you want to be living in ten years from now?..."' (mpg, 28MB)

Raw Clip 2: 'We need to engage the future...' (mpg, 50MB)

Raw Clip 3: 'We have TV programmes, gurus and magazines preaching the gospel of lifestyle... Jesus behaves like he's God or something!...' (mpg, 95MB)

Raw Clip 4: 'We are the city on a hill; we are in microcosmic form what the city could be if it lived under the values of God's kingdom...' (mpg, 33MB)

Raw Clip 5: 'You don't remember John Wesley for the horse he rode to town on...' (Life vs lifestyle - Humour) (mpg, 30MB)

Raw Clip 6: 'Some of you are looking at me like you've been sniffing Bible covers! I promise this will all make sense in a moment!...' (Humour) (mpg, 11MB)

Raw Clip 8: 'If you build God's house, he will build yours...' (mpg, 22MB)

Raw Clip 9: 'God shapes the future by interacting with the heart cry of a generation... God isn't shocked by what's in the newspaper.' (mpg, 48MB)

Raw Clip 10: 'God incarnates himself through the generations...' (mpg, 62MB)

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Mal Fletcher Media Appeal
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Your Feedback
Your message re sex & abstinence just reinstated things that I believe and I'm thankful that I'm not alone or 'archaic' in my views.
Kalai, United Kingdom

Hi, we use Edges DVDs at events for non-christians.
Ursula, United Kingdom

It was a real blessing to have you with us in Norwich. You showed us an inspiring professional edge as an example of the greatness required for influence.
Owen, UK

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