Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group which is training organizations to engage the future & move society forward in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
A new report from OfCom, the British media regulator, reveals that many people in the UK believe there's too much bad language and too many sexually explicit scenes on TV.
Mal Fletcher was invited to discuss the study and its findings with Lisa McCormick on BBC Radio.
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The strength of EDGES is that it explains it's argument in logical steps without the usual emotive language. If all the logical steps are present and correct, it is difficult to disagree with the point being made whether you are a Christian or not. You give a balanced argument. Ben, United Kingdom
We've all been affected to some degree by this latest news of terrorist activity. Yet what an opportunity to share the GOOD news with those who are looking for answers! Ann, Australia
Thank you for MasterClass in Riga, I really enjoyed it! God bless you!
Marco, Latvia