Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is training organizations to engage the future & move society forward in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
As more and more people incorporate CCTV camera systems into their home security, questions are being asked about whether this technology is becoming more intrusive.
London already has the highest number of CCTV units per capita of any major city in Europe. Has CCTV gone too far? What does this mean for personal privacy? What should be done if a neighbour encroaches on personal space using CCTV?
Mal Fletcher, social commentator, discusses all of these questions in this interview with LBC Radio's Larry Lamb.
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I thoroughly loved reading The Joseph Chronicles, and found it to be very encouraging. Mal, you're more than an inspiration - you're a catalyst for change. Tracey, Australia
I love your "innocence vs ignorance" idea (Daily Recharge). We all can return to that place of innocence even if others have previously stolen it or we have lost it. Thanks for all your encouragement every morning.
laura kelly, United States
My son is 21 months old & has full Edward's Syndrome. He is a happy, beautiful child & gives so much to so many people. His life is as worthy as any other child. I believe the medical profession should help parents to want to give their children a chance of survival. Deborah, United Kingdom