Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is training organizations to engage the future & move society forward in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
The Digital Revolution is moving into a new phase, creating new dynamics in human relationships, alliance-building and innovation.
How can leaders in business, civic authorities and community organisations get ahead of the digital change curve? What type of culture can they build to better negotiate the changes?
Mal Fletcher, social futurist and global leadership speaker, addresses these questions in this clip from an interview for Australia's Vision Radio network.
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I often check out your recommended reading section, which includes some excellent books. There's a new title which I highly recommend: 'Simply Christian' by N.T. (Tom) Wright (Bishop of Durham)... Ann, Australia
God is true to His word. [Recently] it seemed as though I faced an entire mountain range. A friend blessed me with the Next Wave site. God bless you Mal and all the saints who knit your ministry together. On to massive revival in Europe. Robert, Germany
Thank you for such wonderful and heartfelt words about John Paul II. He stood and still stands for all that is good, and his "Voice for Life and Hope" will resound forever. Gloria, United States