Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is training organizations to engage the future & move society forward in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
When he eventually ascends the British throne, will Prince George be known as Defender of the Faith, or will that title and all it implies be a relic of the past? Will he become Defender of Faith, with a pluralist overtone?
Mal Fletcher, Social Futurist and Commentator looks at the issues involved, with Charles Nave on BBC Radio.
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How true that we live in a disconnected society! Our Facebook friends are more likely to share our innermost thoughts than are our neighbours. Ann, Australia
Hi there. I watched your EDGES programme today about fear. It was very interesting and was, I thought, presented in a very intelligent way. Helena
Hi, great Recharge today... Thanks, God Bless.
James, United Kingdom