Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is training organizations to engage the future & move society forward in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
Are children being forced to grow up too quickly these days?
Is the sexualisation of children on the rise in mainstream culture and media?
Who is responsible for these pressures on children - is it governments, media, or parents who must shoulder the responsibility? Mal Fletcher answers these questions and more in this interview for BBC Radio.
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A beautiful response to the Mike Gug story. Mal you are a champ; you put into words what I feel. There but for God's grace, go I... Lydiia, Australia
I like Next Wave ministry. Your videos meet good quality standards - to the point, well illustrated... I've been watching you for several years already. May Jesus speak directly to hearts of more people through your programmes. Timotea, Somalia
We at Airport Church praise God for you and endeavour to make your work of excellence known. Peter, United Kingdom