Next Wave International™


Bristol Church Building for Long-Term Influence

24 June 2011

The city of Bristol, England has a proud heritage when it comes to Christian influence.

Students of John Wesley's diaries will know that he spent quite a bit of time here. It was one of his major bases for mission and for the training of young preachers.

Today, it is home to Edge Church, Bristol, one of a family of fast-expanding churches with its central hub in Adelaide Australia.

The Bristol campus, led by Jason and Kim Gowland, is not only a vibrant, contemporary church with a progressive approach to community service and public ministry. It is also developing as a hub of innovation, with a core of talented and committed creative people working to solve problems within the local community - and to establish a base for European mission in the longer-term.

Mal Fletcher recently spoke in the church again and was impressed with the growth in terms of the ownership of the shared vision, and the commitment to working hard to build a base for services into the city.

Mal taught the core leadership on developing a culture of innovation, and spoke to the two Sunday services on engaging future change as the 'city on a hill'.

After the visit, during which Mal and Davina were joined by their eldest daughter Deanna, Mal said: 'We've had a long association with Edge Church International in Australia, and its EdgeNet leadership network, under the leadership of my good friend Danny Guglielmucci.'

'Edge Church in Australia is well known for its unique approach to delivering high-quality services to the cities in which it operates. Bristol is closely following that model and it's clear that, if the church continues in this way, they will make a significant contribution to Bristol and its region in years to come.'

The church is currently remodeling a large building for use not only as a home for its services, but as a base for community work. It will feature, among other things, a community children's centre.

The church will be working with Mal and as part of the 20.2020Project, which will see the church hosting major Civic Leadership Events for top-tier leaders in business, media, local authorities and more.

For more on Edge Church Bristol and Edge Church International, visit (or click here for Facebook).

Edge Church International has long been a partner with Next Wave International in its ongoing mission across Europe. If you'd like to partner with us, please click here.

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