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G20 Summit - Crisis of Confidence - VID

01 April 2009

The G20 leadership summit kicks off today in London.

Heads of state, along with their respective foreign ministers and finance officials, will meet in the British capital to discuss ways of bringing stability and growth to the world's troubled financial markets.

In his social comment editorial on this site, social commentator Mal Fletcher says, 'The cornerstones of a modern economy are not found in metrics, corporate spreadsheets or government targets; they are found in human emotion, and particularly feelings of confidence.'

'You can digitize money,' he adds, 'but you can't digitize human emotions. Statistics are merely human stories with the tears removed.'

'The cornerstones of a modern economy are not found in metrics, corporate spreadsheets or government targets; they are found in human emotion, and particularly feelings of confidence. You can digitize money, but you can't digitize human emotions.'

Watch Mal's video comment below.


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