Next Wave International™


A Departure and a New Beginning

20 July 2005

This month, Next Wave International says goodbye to Andrew Hale, our Media and Resources Project Director.

Andrew has served with us for two years and leaves to take up a new position in his home church, Southside Christian Church in Adelaide, Australia.

Mal Fletcher paid tribute to Andrew recently: 'Andrew has been a major blessing to us during a time of transition and change. He came to us highly recommended by his pastors and his church and he has more than lived up to all expectations. His hard work and creativity have helped us to take our publications and resources to a higher level, with new book publishing deals and new translations.

He has been a major help to me in taking our various media projects to a wider audience. He has also overseen a major redesign of our main website which has been very popular and he has managed all of our various sites with real skill.

Andrew is popular with everyone who has worked with him. I can tell you, we will miss him.' Please pray for Andrew as he moves back to his homeland. And pray for Mal as he seeks new staff to meet the growing needs of the work in Europe and beyond.

Mal adds: 'The opportunities for the gospel are huge, but as Jesus said, the workers are few.'

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