Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
training organizations to engage the future & move society forward
in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher

EDGES on DVD: Social Issues


September 11, 2001 changed many things. It has changed the way we travel and the way we look at tall buildings. It has led to new divisions in geopolitics and has sparked wars. What motivates a terrorist and is there any real hope for ending the fear?

Privacy in the Age of Big Brother

These days, our lives are watched by cameras inside buildings and in the street. Computer networks exchange information on what we buy, and phone companies can locate us whenever we turn on a mobile phone. In the age of Big Brother, is there any future for personal privacy and why is it important?

Racism, Nationalism & Xenophobia

Racism is a major problem today. Ethnic cleansing and racially motivated wars are tearing nations apart. What are the origins of this crippling social problem and how can we work against it? Just how far should we go with nationalistic spirit?

What is EDGES with Mal Fletcher?

Watch video: High or Low quality (WMV streaming video format, 55 sec.)

EDGES™ with Mal Fletcher is a colourful, fast-paced program that takes a very different look at the social issues shaping the values of today's world and the lifestyles of tomorrow. Hosted by social commentator Mal Fletcher, each half-hour program explains Christian perspectives on the most pressing problems of our time.


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Your Feedback
Mal, we are inspired by your passion, and desire to see Christians rise up within their worldview and make a difference for the generations. God bless you!
Melissa, Australia

I was only able to attend one of your meetings in Spain, but I really needed to hear what Mal Fletcher had to say. His message was brilliant. Thank you so much for coming!
Jean, Spain

Next Wave is certainly making a huge difference, bringing out the truth about a Christian worldview, equiping the church & helping give believers the insight to stand against a tide of postmodernism.
adrian, United Kingdom

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